Monday, September 29, 2014

Fall Activities

We are busy doing some Fall projects....
We read "The Season's of Arnold's Apple Tree" and made our own seasonal
tree posters.

We have been learning about non-fiction (informational) text features. We read an informational book and found diagrams and labels in our book.   We made our own apple diagram and then labeled our diagram.

We did a sequencing activity and wrote the steps for making an apple pie.
We read about Johnny appleseed and wrote a "key detail" about
his life.

Color Mixing with 5th Grade Buddies

We did color mixing with our buddies this afternoon.  The kids had a great time being chemists. They got to mix and make colors using colored water.  

Friday, September 26, 2014

Math Activites

We learned a new game called "Spin a Number" and worked with shapes to make designs.

Words Their Way

We use a program called Words Their Way each day.  The kids sort words that have a specific pattern and then do different activities to help them learn how to spell those words. 

The Season's of our Apple Trees

We have been learning and talking about the different seasons this week. We read a book called, "The Season's of Arnold's Apple Tree" and we made our own trees. 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Daily 5 Success!

Daily 5 rounds.......

The kids are doing awesome using their stamina!!  We have been doing all of our "Daily 5" rounds this week and they are definitely getting the hang of it. 
Daily 5 is a way to manage the reading block time.  The kids are doing independent work while the teacher does small reading group instruction. 
Listening to Reading
During this time we rotate every 15 minutes, between "Read to Self", "Read with Someone", "Listen to Reading","Word Work" and "Writing". The kiddos are pulled from their read to self time for groups. 
Here are a few pictures from today... 
                   Read with Someone                                           
Word work
